Relationship with parents

Fathers go to work. That is common. Then, why do people raise questions when our mothers do as well? She is equally educated, equally capable and deserves to be self-sufficient. Responsibilities in a family are supposed to be shared equally. Your mother is a superwoman, who is juggling both her worlds and being awesome at what she does. If your mother is a home-maker, don’t forget that managing a home is a huge task and she should not be compared with anyone. Every mother, parent, put in a huge amount of effort to make things run smoothly, and their effort should not be taken for granted.
However, with both parents working these days, we might feel lonely at times. Due to busy schedules, parents are often unable to spend much time with the kids or pay as much attention as kids may need. Hence, they gradually drift apart and become strangers.
Maybe, you had a tough day and you want your parents to talk to you, cheer you up. Talk to them, during a meal, on the weekend, or whenever it suits you. Remember that you are not alone. It is quite natural for you to feel sad or angry at times. You might even want to keep things to yourself and deal with it. But the best option, always, is to communicate.
In the meanwhile, engage yourself in constructive work. Do what you love! They will be back home soon. So, be a little patient and understanding. Ask them how their day was, and talk about yours.
Talk to your parents about what you are going through, tell them what you want, tell them what is bothering you, they will understand. They care for you. They are constantly concerned about you. They love you.